Livestream Day

I’ve been doing a challenge all week for work and today’s challenge was to go live on Facebook. I felt so much more comfortable this time around and it seemed easier…although I feel like I was babbling more than talking about what I was supposed to. 

Dancing Baby and A New Tattoo

I have two highlights today. 

The first is the baby I watch dancing to music while he ate lunch. 

The second is my new tattoo. I love it. 

Just the outline of what I got done. It was colored in as well.

Cousin Day

My cousin and I got to spend the day together before I leave next weekend. We did everything from watching a movie with her mom to decorating her work office to painting decorations for previously mentioned office to hanging out with her boyfriend and his best friend. 

An Entire Week

Wow, I have times I’m so good at keeping the blog updated and other times like this week where I suck. Now let’s move onto the highlights!

Tuesday: My birthday!! It was just an entirely great day.

Wednesday: Going out for a birthday lunch with my aunt/godmother who I don’t see very often. 

Thursday: Wellllll, I can’t think of anything. This is why it’s better to try to do the highlight before going to bed or at least the following morning.

Friday: A small birthday outing in Livermore.

Saturday: Seeing Anna one last time before she left to go back to Argentina, even if it was only for 30 minutes. 

Sunday: My cousins showing up my house for a BBQ my parents had. 

Monday: Reading bedtime stories to the boys I watch.